Today was mostly a day for relaxation. The only job I really had to do was to go to the post office and mail Sierra stuff home and resupply to Sierra City.

I got up rather late which was around 0600 after which I spent some time on my phone doing blog posts.

I went to the hotel’s breakfast sometime after 7 and once again really enjoyed it.

After breakfast I relaxed some more in my room while watching a movie. I also prepared the stuff I am sending at the post office. Around 11 I ordered an Uber to the post office.

At the post office I spent some time packaging everything up and filling customs declarations.

 The amazing Lake Tahoe
The amazing Lake Tahoe

I walked back from the post office while sticking as much as possible to the lakeside. On the way back I had lunch at Artemis near the lake. It was excellent.

 Lake Tahoe
Lake Tahoe

Back at the hotel it was time for more relaxation.

For dinner I had takeout pizza and just relaxed more in my room.