Today was mostly good but it ended which such horrible mosquitos that it is difficult to remember the good parts.

I awoke before my alarm at the Summit Inn and got up to have a shower and pack everything. I also ate the breakfast I had bought the day before.

After this I checked out and headed back to the trail. The trail today had 2 big climbs and was generally more rocky and rough than what I have become used to.

 Climbing up the rocky trail
Climbing up the rocky trail

After the first climb out of Snoqualmie Pass I hiked in a beautiful area with good views but very rugged trail.

 Small lake after the climb out of Snoqualmie Pass
Small lake after the climb out of Snoqualmie Pass

 Rough rocky trail
Rough rocky trail

Until about lunch the trail was like this and very beautiful. Sadly then it descended into forests and I only had occasional views. Still no mosquitos though. I actually had no mosquitos until about 1 hour before camp where I came upon some of the worst mosquitos I have experienced. This was late in the day but I pushed on a bit up a climb in hope of fewer mosquitos.

 Waterfall where I had lunch
Waterfall where I had lunch

 Good views at the top of the second big climb
Good views at the top of the second big climb

The camp I ended up in did have fewer mosquitos but still enough to make setting up camp and eating miserable.

 Beautiful lake in forested valley
Beautiful lake in forested valley

Tomorrow I hope to reach Steven’s Pass and pickup my package while they are open. I am not sure when they close.